
Last week we learnt how to weave a flower using flax. (Harakeke) Maori people use flax to weave mats, clothes, kete and decorations, but they also weave piupiu which are classified as grass skirts. They used it to clothes themselves.
Before we cut the flax, we must find the person who owns it and seek permission. We must have the right tools to cut flax. Before cutting and harvesting the flax you must do a karakia. After doing the karakia we can start cutting the flax. Cut your flax leaves on either side of the central leaves, in a downward angle, away from the plant. As long as it’s to the base of the leaf as conceivable. Water can’t run into the middle of the shrub otherwise it will rot and become unusable.
When you have finished cutting the leaves off, tie it up in groups of three, keeping the leaves from each bush together. If viable, it’s best to use leaves from the same bush in one piece of weaving before shredding, cutting away any dead or disposable leaves from the plant to boost growth and keep it healthy. After shredding the harakeke, you have to work out how many leaves you are going to cut. From there, you decide on the width of the weaving strips and how large the item will be when you weave. Items look better in strips with smaller widths, such as centimeters, and taller items can make great widths, up to 1 half centimeters wide.
Finally, you hold the shiny part of the leaf with the stem pointing downwards. Fold that leaf to the left strip back behind the strip next to it and then go over and under about eight times. Continue this pattern on the next side until it makes a triangle shape. Then ,roll it around til it makes a spiral. Lastly, cut the stem to create your flower.
My experience with weaving was exquisite but bold. The part that was difficult for me was having to repeat the step over and over again and learning to finish off.
I would like to teach people to weave flowers with flax (PutiPuti) to give them a chance to learn how to weave in the future. I think people should weave because it will give you good coordination and good life skills. Give it a go, you may never know. Like me, you may grow to like it.