Amphibian 2019

Today I have chosen to stand and give my speech about Amphibians. Why? Because it is an interesting topic and not many people take notice of them.
What is an amphibian? It is a cold blooded animal that lives on land and water. Not many living species can do that.
Why are Amphibians cold blooded.They are cold blooded because they can’t control their temperature. Most Amphibians have thin moist skin The reason for this is because it helps them to breathe.
Now this one fact is very weird because, did you know Amphibians eat their food whole. Ewww weird isn’t it.
They have a complex life cycle including larva and adult stages.Why? This is because they go through life living in different stages and environments. They start life in the water as tadpoles and live their adult life on land.
I find Amphibians to be very, very interesting, and it’s because from the way their skin is built for them to breath out of and the fact that they’re cold blooded. Plus, the fact they swallow their food whole…. I mean it’s gross but interesting. I’m Misty August and thank you for listening to my speech today...
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